Who I Work With
Parents and Parents-to-be
Parents: Parent and Parenting Support
Parenting is the ultimate mindfulness practice!
Hospitals give us 40 hours of training for childbirth, but exactly 1.5 hours for how to care for a newborn. And much, much less (i.e., usually nothing) on how to parent children, manage your own transition to parenthood, and adjust to running a family household. Having kids and a family can be full of love and laughter. And- let’s be for real- tantrums, tears and exhaustion (ours and the kids!).
There is no better mirror to show you areas of yourself and your life that are out of balance or in need of more healing than parenting. I see many parents that want to parent in a new way- a less punitive, yelling kind of way; more respectful and cooperative, yet with clear and consistent boundaries and expectations (positive parenting, mindful parenting, peaceful parenting, respectful parenting, etc.). Maybe you’ve read all of the books, subscribed to all of the blogs and Facebook groups, and even taken a parenting course or two (or ten). But you find in the heat of the moment, when the s*%# hits the fan and the cortisol hits your bloodstream, you revert back to your old ways- yelling, threatening to take things away, time outs. Whatever will get you a moment of reprieve to recuperate. And then you feel guilty and ashamed, and worried you are messing up your kid(s). Does this sound familiar? I know it did and still sometimes does for me! (progress, not perfection, right? ;)
Parenthood can be an incredibly stressful, exhausting, and triggering time of life. It’s also an incredibly motivating time to heal on a deeper level, transform, and step more fully into the person and parent you want to be and the life you want to live. The Therapeutic Meditation Process (TMP) can help you to become aware of old patterns and wounds that might be influencing your parenting style and your ability to stay calm, grounded and present during the tough times, and gives you support and tools to shift those patterns and reactions. I would be honored to work with you and serve as your coach and guide as you make the transformations you want for yourself, your family and your life, and find the peace, balance and calm that is possible. Let’s do this!
Parents-to-be: Prenatal and Postpartum Support
Pregnancy, labor and postpartum- also the ultimate mindfulness practice!
The process of trying to get pregnant (while dealing with adrenal fatigue and high-levels of anxiety and stress) was my original motivation to start practicing the Therapeutic Meditation Process (TMP). I wanted to get my anxiety under control, my cortisol levels down, and my nervous system stabilized. These tools and this process have helped me so much in all aspects of pregnancy, labor, postpartum recovery, as well as transitioning into parenthood. It’s allowed me to have a more peaceful pregnancies—with my anxiety and stress-levels lowered I was more easily able to be present and enjoy the experience.
It aligned to the birth plan that I’d created, allowed me to be flexible and grounded when said birth plan deviated, and strengthened the coping mechanisms that I was able to use during labor. It also helped me bring my stress and cortisol levels down during the postpartum period when your body is naturally on high alert, and has helped me ease into parenthood (and all of its stresses and triggers that come with that!) with more ease, peace and sanity.
The Therapeutic Meditation Process (TMP) serves as a wonderful foundation to prepare your body, mind, and spirit for transitioning into motherhood and parenthood. And- I repeat- they give us 40 hours of training for childbirth, approximately 1.5 hours for infant care, and much, much less on how to parent children, manage your own transition to parenthood, adjust to running a family household, and balance it all with less time and less energy. I would be honored to work with you and serve as your coach and guide as you transition into motherhood and make the transformations you want for yourself, your family and your life. Let’s do this!
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Let's Get Started
Parenting and preparing for parenthood
can feel overwhelming, nonstop, and exhausting at times.
This program is here to help!
Learn more about the TMP Benefits for Parents & Caregivers, and Parents-to-be here